notes from the boat
We were anchored at tiny Isla Coronados where we'd headed in search of a
breeze when we encountered a little more breeze than we'd anticipated. Our
second chubasco (the seasonal Mexican squall) came ripping through the cabin
at a brisk forty knots and we followed the now usual procedure of getting up
and making sure everything was battened down. Followed closely by lightning
and torrential rain, we started the engine and motored into the swell to
relieve the strain on the anchor chain. By 3:30am things had started to calm
down and we were able to go back to sleep for a few hours. While certainly
not blasé about the weather, we've come to recognize the warning signs,
looking at the clouds every evening for an indication of something heading
our way.
Following our second chubasco, we heard the news that a 45 foot wooden
sailing boat named Water Witch had gone aground on Isla Carmen and while her
crew was safe on the beach, the boat couldn't be saved. Another boat, Why
Knot? also went aground luckily though, no one was hurt and only a little
damage sustained.
We had been talking to a boat named Ventana during the storm and a couple of
days later they arrived and anchored next to us. Chris and Julie are a
couple in their mid twenties who are sailing around the world on a
shoestring. Their boat, Ventana is twenty eight and a half feet long (very
important to get the extra 6 inches in), they have a composting toilet which
requires peat moss to be added to it (best not to ask for details) and every
inch of their boat has been utilized. It was impressive. After spending an
evening aboard Ventana enjoying tiny steamer clams we had collected
together, we returned to the forty four foot Indigo Moth feeling like we
were living aboard The Ritz.
We went on to spend the next week with Ventana as we sailed north with them
from Isla Coronados to San Juanico and La Ramada where we hiked to see the
supremely disappointing Cruiser's Shrine. Cruisers to the Sea of Cortez make
a pilgrimage to this area and leave items with their boat names behind as a
testimony to their adventurous spirit. Having searched high and low for a
picturesque shrine we finally found a tree strewn with strands of paper and
fabric, carved pieces of wood, shells, wine bottles and a turtle shell. We
resisted the urge to leave an Indigo Moth t-shirt or similarly inscribed
item and headed back to La Ramada where we enjoyed the day's excellent catch
of Spanish mackerel.
Departing La Ramada we decided to make the fifty mile passage to Bahia
Concepcion. Ventana was heading the same way and we were able to maintain
radio contact as it turned out the weather forecast was not what we'd
expected and we felt the effects of a thunderstorm at sea. The wind picked
up to a good 40 plus knots and then swung around from the north, the
temperature dropped dramatically (or at least it felt like it did as we were
still reading 90 degrees in the cabin), lightning was actually striking the
water and the rain started pouring down. It was exhilarating and for the
second time in a week, the boat was washed clean with fresh water!
We bid farewell to Ventana as we left them in Bahia Concepcion about to
hitch hike to Mulege having run out of peat moss for their composting
toilet, disastrous news. We offered to ask Catherine and Tony to bring some
down from LA when they came to visit and so we returned to Escondido for
Carl's trip to Los Angeles.
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